Radio in Brazil

As in the fight about radio invention, the origin of Brazilian radio is also a controversy. History brings Rádio Clube de Pernambuco as the pioneer, due to the fact that it was founded in 1919.

But, on September 7, 1922, in Rio de Janeiro, during the celebration of the One Hundredth Independence Anniversary, president Epitácio Pessoa speech was broadcasted. The irradiation occurred by Westinghouse Electric transmitters, installed at Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro.

Next year, Edgard Roquette Pinto, carioca born in 1884, considered "the Brazilian radio father", and Henry Morize founded, in April 20, 1923, Rádio Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro, considered the first radio station by many people. It’s undeniable Morize and Roquette Pinto historical and technical merits, so that on September, 25, Roquette Pinto birth date, was chosen as Dia da Radiodifusão (Radio Broadcasting Day).

The absence of advertisements and sponsors originated radio stations like “society radio” or “club radio”, where the audience used to make monthly payments. Just from 1932, paid ads were authorized, generating the commercial phase of the radio in Brazil, when artists and technical personnel were hired.

Rádio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro was founded in 1936, becoming the most listened in short and medium waves on Brazil’s radios. National presented the first soap opera, “Em busca da felicidade” (1941) (Looking for happiness) and created Repórter Esso, 1941-1968, the most famous Brazilian radio news, in the ever missed voice of Heron Domingues.


In 1936, Ary Barroso debuted as sports narrator, playing a small harmonica whenever a goal was scored. In the same year “Cantores do Rádio” by Lamartine Babo, João de Barro and Alberto Ribeiro was recordered, immortalized by Odeon records, in the voices of Carmen and Aurora Miranda.

In 1937, Tabajara da Parahyba radio was officially inaugurated, in João Pessoa. The transmission equipment was assembled by Byington & Cia., a company from Sao Paulo, with 10 kW and 27 tubes, the two lasts water refrigerated, according to Moacir Barbosa de Souza. Reception was possible only with the installation of a receptor brand name Cruzeiro, also made by Byington.

In Rio Grande do Sul, the first broadcasting transmission happened in the September 7, 1924, Porto Alegre City, in the waves of Rádio Sociedade Rio-Grandense, which didn’t achieve two years of existence. The Rádio Pelotense, founded in the June 6, 1925, like Sociedade Rádio Pelotense, is the oldest radio station operating in State.

In Porto Alegre, the first “station” was Rádio Sociedade Gaúcha, founded in 1927, nowadays part of Grupo RBS. In 1934, Rádio Difusora started and a year afterwards, on the One Hundredth Anniversary of Farrapos War, Farroupilha radio station. The first mentioned before was acquired from Ordem dos Capuchinhos (1980) by Grupo Bandeirantes and the second one turned from Diários e Emissoras Associados to RBS.

Rádio Guaíba started its transmissions on April 30, 1957, in Porto Alegre. High fidelity sound and a unique programming for decades made Guaíba a radio news school on the south of Brazil, participating in all World Cups since its foundation.


Radio AntiqueRadio OldRadio Collection Daltro DArisbo
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