Your visit is my pleasure.
Since birth, in the year of 1953, in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, I have been fascinated by the radio reception phenomenon. I grew up as the son of a Communication Army Officer, near phones and transmitters, receivers and antennas, always available to see and deal with electronic valve equipment.
I studied Civil Engineering and Law at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, becoming an Inspector of Ministry of Labor, in 1983, through a public contest. I was in this position since then, inspecting Safety and Health at work in national ports. In the year of 2003, in Geneva, I officially represented Brazil at the International Labor Organization. |
In the year of 1989, I got from my brother my father’s first radio, a Hallicrafters S-38, a radio made in the United States in 1948. Needing some repairs, I started looking for some schemes and tubes to the “mascot”. At this time I begin to dedicate myself to antique radios, a hobby which took me several weekends and sometimes even prevented me from being with my family.
Radios came from so many different ways that some I can’t recall: donations, purchases in antique stores, receivers buried in the floor or thrown in the garbage…. As time goes by actually, the searching turned from quantity to radio quality and rarity.
As I have never attended any electro technical course, I had to get instructions by myself, in old manuals and with friends. The first friendship that came from my passion for radios was Miguel Montik. Concerning the first electronic teachings I have had, I can say that I owe a lot to this radio technician, who was born in Poland.
The computer era solved the biggest collectors’ problems: the historical research, the access to original schemes and photos, as well as the possibility to communicate with other radio lovers. Concerning this aspect, it’s worth mentioning Lucerne Radiomuseum in Switzerland, to which I’m affiliated. The web site has more than 100 thousand records of antique radios and televisions, a great research source and refinement to a modern collector.
Even though, I still missed some knowledge, I needed a master. The blank was filled when I met Unijuí physics professor, Ari Zwirtes, also a collector and restoration expert of antique radios. This unique and dedicated friend represented the consolidation of the collection, not only in what refers to electronic repair but also about chassis and boxes restoration.
This ordered set of tube receivers, nowadays consists in more than 164 working and restored radios keeping their fabrication’s originality. They are catalogued pieces that have a past history, dated between the years of 1924 and 1960.
This exhibition is dedicated to my dear kids and to those who see antique items not as a good, but as something which has the value of knowledge and History preservation.
List of Benefactors of the Museum of Radio
(alphabetical order)
Aires Batista, Carlos Danilo – Faxinal do Soturno, RS.
Alves, Adão (in memoriam) - Candelária, RS.
Axt, Rolando – Argentina
Azzolin, João - Alegrete, RS.
Barros, Valter Luis - Camaquã, RS.
Beretta, Jose Angelo (in memoriam) – Itália.
Beretta, Oscar – Porto Alegre, RS.
Berni, Duilio de Avila - Rio de Janeiro, RJ.
Bigliazzi, Daniela Ilara - Santo André, SP
Bigliazzi, Odayr José - Santo André, SP (in memoriam)
Bortolotto, Marcelo – Bento Gonçalves, RS.
Botão, Manoel Chasqueira – Portugal.
Bourget, Jean-Yves - Quebec, Canadá.
Bruscato, Gentil César – Sananduva, RS.
Butera, Martín - Buenos Aires, ARG.
Caon, Sérgio – Lagoa Vermelha, RS.
Campos, Mário(in memoriam) –Porto Alegre, RS.
Caratin, Durval Luiz – São Paulo.
Cardoso, Enon Barbosa - Tapes, RS.
Cardoso, José Carlos Panatto – Porto Alegre.
Carlotto, Cneu Learri - Viamão, RS.
Cesar Augusto de Cesaro - Passo Fundo, RS.
Costa, Celso - Porto Alegre.
Costa, Ibanez Mulina (in memoriam) – Rosário do Sul, RS.
D’Arisbo, Alice Wichrestiuk – Porto Alegre.
D’Arisbo, Arthur Victoria – Porto Alegre.
D’Arisbo, Darlou - Toledo, PR.
D’Arisbo, Leone Meyer - Sertão de Santana, RS.
Degrazia, Carlos Oswaldo – Itaqui, RS.
Duelli, Fabiano - Belo Horizonte, MG.
Fernandes, Guiomar Faria (in memoriam) – São Paulo, SP.
Fraccaro, Daisi - Veranópolis, RS.
Frank, Eberhard – Porto Alegre, RS.
Gitelman, Helio - Rio de Janeiro.
Gomes, Dirceu Chirivino - Uruguaiana.
Gonçalves, Francisco (in memoriam) - Porto Alegre, RS.
Gonçalves, Jussara Gomes – Porto Alegre, RS.
Gonçalves, Ruben – Santana do Livramento, RS.
Iglesias, Sônia Basteiro - Porto Alegre, RS.
Johnston, Shawn - Cape Town, África do Sul.
Kendrick, William – Texas, Estados Unidos.
Lavia, Luigi – Chiesina Uzzanese, Itália.
Lazarini, Carlos – Brasília.
Machado, Eloísa - Rio de Janeiro.
Machado, Pedro - Cachoeira do Sul, RS.
Margoni, Jorge Artur - Porto Alegre.
Mayer, Edgar - Porto Alegre.
Mendes, Juracy da Cunha (in memoriam) – Teixeiras, MG.
Minella, Antônio José – Caxias do Sul, RS.
Miranda, Cesar Adriano – Porto Alegre, RS.
Mirandola, Cláudio Albano - Porto Alegre.
Montik, Miguel - Polônia (in memoriam).
Moraes, Oscar Gonçalves – Sobradinho, RS.
Moura, Mauro Azevedo - Porto Alegre (in memoriam)
Nara, Elinora Coccio - São Gabriel. RS.
Paes, João Ribeiro - Rio de Janeiro (in memoriam)
Pagliari, Delcio - São Paulo, SP
Peraça, Maria Brum - Herval, RS.
Perini, Marcos & Brother - Caxias do Sul, RS.
Regla, Fernanda Rigo – Cotiporã, RS.
Reis, Glênio - Porto Alegre.
Richter, Conrado Hugo Ernesto - Novo Hamburgo, RS (in memoriam)
Richter, Paulo Hugo - Novo Hamburgo, RS
Rocha, Nilo Roberto Muller - Pelotas, RS
Rocha, Roberto Gonçalves - Pelotas, RS (in memoriam)
Rodrigues, Álvaro Ariel Pereira – Alegrete, RS.
Rodrigues, Ivan Dornelles – Porto Alegre, RS.
Rodrigues, Sidney – Porto Alegre, RS.
Rovea, Maria Gerta Stock - Porto Alegre.
Santos, José Francisco Meirelles - São Vicente, SP.
Santana, Leandro - Camaquã, RS.
Scarpini, Eduardo - Porto Alegre.
Schilling, Fernando - Porto Alegre (in memoriam)
Scortegagna, Laís Cerutti – Iraí, RS
Silva e Albuquerque, José – Pocinhos, Paraíba.
Silva, Mauro Gomercindo Rodrigues - Porto Alegre.
Só, Edith Conceição Costa - Porto Alegre.
Soares, José - Rio de Janeiro.
Souza, Hélio - Veranópolis, RS (in memoriam)
Souza, Therezinha Sá - Porto Alegre.
Tambasco, Rafael – Dom Pedrito, RS.
Teixeira, Carlos - Porto
Thompson Flores, Athos - Porto Alegre.
Tietê, Paulo Antônio – Alegrete, RS.
Travi, Herta e Ernesto – Porto Alegre, RS (in memoriam)
Veiga, Luiz Wagner – Bagé, RS.
Victoria, Alfredo – Piratini, RS (in memoriam)
Zanin, Elge – Veranópolis, RS.
Zanini, José Ervanei – Santa Maria, RS (in memoriam)
Zwirtes, Ari - Ijuí, RS (in memoriam) |